Thursday 30 June 2011

The Old Guard

So much news, so many posts, makes me wonder why I should say anything as so many others are saying so much. Still, a blog without posts is a dead blog.

So the latest news with the financial statement for CCP and the money they have borrowed. Seems fairly normal for business, bet big and hope your horse comes in. The big horse bet is Dust514. I suspect Dust514 will get off to a good start. The crunch is does it have the legs, and given CCP’s performance with EVE so far I would say so, does it have the market’s attention, i.e. do gamers want to play it (seems so) and will the cash cow be milked in time for the investors? (probably not)

The loan is interesting, in that what will happen when the chickens come home to roost? Will the investor be prepared to wait? What will they ask for? (a 10% share in the company based on future profit projections?), will CCP simply borrow from Peter to pay Paul? All very interesting, suffice to say I think things will stumble on anyway after the dead line. When the coffers run dry is when things close the doors, so we’re not there yet.

Letrange is now quitting, sigh, liked his blog. All Jester (Ripard Teg) seems too write about mainly now is Global Agenda. Helicity Bosun, KIA via CCP. Sigh. All a damn shame. We’re losing the old guard one player at a time, very sad times. Guess it’s all part of it, the turn over and there has to be a trigger event to stop people playing after a number of years. Given the loyalty shown by most players though it’s a bad sign of the times given the ructions from CCP and the forums on fire.

So when am I quitting? Thought about unsubscribing my accounts, solidarity and all, but reality is there is no point. I have a mate who has done some silly things and is now housed courtesy of the Government. I am running his 2 accounts, bit bizarre to unsubscribe my two and keep his running. I am managing his POS and skills, tidying things up for him while he’s taking some time out.

Also I will be there until the lights turns off, it’s just who I am. If there is an idiot holding the flag atop the hill alone that would be me, stupid and loyal to the end. Loyalty just works for me as a person. I have the utmost respect for the French Old Guard after Waterloo (1815), they refused to surrender and were cut down by close range canister (grapeshot), but the stood, the never gave up and they died proud. Someone has to be there at the end. Seems to be what I do, so I’m here until EVE goes down.

Also heard of an old bloke, over 70, in an old folks home in Florida who was playing EVE. He loved it, met people from all over the world, could play when he liked and no one judged him other than by who he was in game. It kept his brain alive as well. Could be me one day, beats fading away.....

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