Tuesday 10 May 2011

I jumped.....

The jump bridge nerf....


Seems pretty reasonable to me.

One per system, that’s a bit curious, guess 2 would be too easy, which means JB's are most likely to turn up by edges of systems so you can quickly hop across.

This will create hot spots/bottle necks, which I gather is the point.

But really, is this necessary at all?

I mean I have lived in 0.0 for 2 years and just how good are jump bridges?

They are often camped by SB’s (stealth bombers) and the number of people who currently seem to get themselves popped on them is not insignificant. With a password and ‘blue’ standing requirement they can’t be used by non-allies anyway (even though the passwords are effectively public given spies and changing corpies).

So when the brown stuff hits the whirling thing the JB’s are often a primary strategic target and camped, and I don’t use them.

They fill a role for redeployment for campaigns, and now it will be more cynos and fleet movements, which means more blobs. Expect more titan bridging as well as a result.

Take what’s happening right now in UMI/H-W. The bridges are camped, reds are sniffing for targets of opportunity and the best way to travel is not by JB but in an organised fleet with cynos..... this change simply re-enforces what people are already doing.

The more fuel thing is a nice feature, but any good paranoid null sec pilot should stash some LO (Liquid Ozone) in their hold just in case a bridge is empty, or even just for good manners. Nice touch though as it will reduce the admin required by people, so less emo rage is all good.

What’s most curious about the post is:

·         Is 0.0 industry currently geared to support the population living there?

·         Is the relationship between 0.0 and empire balanced well enough?

·         Does the current sovereignty system meet our goals?

·         Are there enough incentives for conflict/pvp outside sov?

·         Are we happy with movement/player interaction?

That’s the real crunch. If this is on the agenda then it seems the CSM and the Mittani are well placed to have a real impact on the game, for the better.

Industry in 0.0 is utterly broken and completely unable to support living there. This flows into low sec as well which I hope gets some over flow of love.

Sovereignty and PVP, POS bashing and blob supercaps, hmm, null sec isn’t working the way anyone really hoped I think. It is fun, it just could so much better.

I was hoping, beyond reasonable expectation, that Planetary Interaction (PI) was going to bring a splash of the SIMS or maybe the old Masters Of Orion (MOO) to EVE. But more on my deluded hopes another post, as well as on nerfs....

Just read Rifter Drifters post on JB's, curious.
Must admit I feel that logistics should be for exactly that and using dreads and carriers to move stuff seems simply wrong, aren't they warships not courier company vans? [quote: renewing the roles of dreadnoughts and carriers in long-distance logistics].

So whats a JF for?
Mord Fiddle also did an excellent post earlier on JF's
Also I can only see this encouraging the super cap blobs, which I thought the idea was to move away from. More short range JB's would be cost ineffective for super caps, and more practicle for sub-caps I would have thought. The range reduction is smart, the one per system not so much so.

Oh, and nerf them as well, stop with the nerf everything! more on that another post, and why...
But still, a good article overall and worth a read, I dont have to agree with it to be good.

We live in interesting times, happy hunting 07

PS: Damn, Kane Rizzel just posted he too is going quiet on the EVE blog front. Liked his style, good luck with the shift to London and the new job Kane.

1 comment:

  1. Jester lives! his recent post on JB's as always is excellent:
